Debugging is an essential part of software development

Debugging is an essential part of software development

Debugging is an essential part of software development, and it's something that every developer must become proficient at to succeed in their career. My own debugging journey has had its ups and downs, but it's taught me some valuable lessons about problem-solving and troubleshooting.

One memorable debugging challenge I faced was while working on a web application that allowed users to search for and view information about various books. The app relied on a third-party API to retrieve information about each book, including its title, author, and ISBN. However, I began to notice that some books were missing from the search results, even though they were available on the API.

To diagnose the problem, I began by looking at the code that was responsible for making the API request and parsing the response. Here's a simplified version of that code:

function searchBooks(query) {
  const apiUrl = `${query}`;
    .then(response => response.json())
    .then(data => {
      const results = data.results;
      for (let i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
        const book = results[i];
        const title = book.title;
        const author =;
        const isbn = book.isbn;
        displayBook(title, author, isbn);
    .catch(error => {
      console.error('Error searching for books:', error);

At first glance, this code seemed fine. It constructed the API URL using the user's search query, made the request using the fetch function, and then parsed the response using response.json(). It then looped through the results array in the response and extracted the book's title, author, and ISBN before calling a displayBook function to show the information to the user.

However, as I continued to debug the application, I discovered the root of the problem. It turned out that some books in the API response did not have an ISBN field. As a result, the displayBook function was throwing an error when it tried to display that information.

To fix the problem, I added a simple check to ensure that the isbn field was present before trying to display it. Here's the updated code:

function searchBooks(query) {
  const apiUrl = `${query}`;
    .then(response => response.json())
    .then(data => {
      const results = data.results;
      for (let i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
        const book = results[i];
        const title = book.title;
        const author =;
        const isbn = book.isbn;
        if (isbn) {
          displayBook(title, author, isbn);
        } else {
          displayBook(title, author);
    .catch(error => {
      console.error('Error searching for books:', error);

With this simple change, the application now displayed all books in the search results, whether or not they had an ISBN field. This experience taught me the importance of looking beyond the obvious and considering all possible sources of a problem when debugging code. It also reinforced the importance of writing defensive code that can handle unexpected situations gracefully.